Palliation can be defined as temporary relief of symptoms without doing anything for the cure. In palliation the most annoying symptoms are relieved, the disease persists in its own place.

Palliation in Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a curative medicine in the curable natural miasmatic diseased conditions. Cure is possible only if the vital force is in a condition to react to the similar and stronger medicine administered. With the help of the similimum medicine, vital force tries to bring back the healthy functioning of the diseased organ thus restoring health. But there are certain conditions where the cure may not be possible as the organs affected are damaged or congenitally missing. In such conditions like:

  1. Incurable cases with gross tissue damage, where deep acting constitutional remedies cannot be used and where permanent cure is not possible, only palliative homeopathic remedies are recommended. H.A.Roberts says, “in incurable conditions the administration of the similar remedy almost always ameliorates the situation, at least for three or four days, and usually for a long period. Then we may have a return of symptoms, when the indicated remedy will be called into use again”. H.A.Roberts confidently summarizes, “in incurable cases or seemingly incurable cases, we must not put a limitation on the possibilities of the similimum remedy, for in many seemingly incurable conditions the similimum will so completely meet the situation as to obliterate the symptomatology of disease and the pathology, and will restore the patient to health.”
  2. In cases where the most vital parts of the body are lacking or are damaged like congenital atrophy of kidneys, some cases after the surgical removal of the organs etc, palliation is the only possible method. Example: in cases where the thyroid gland is removed either partially or in total because of any malignant conditions, cure cannot be achieved, as the patient is lacking the organs to be stimulated. The patient has to depend on the palliative or supplementary medications throughout his life.

In case where the palliative remedy is recommended, palliative homeopathic remedy must also be selected based on the symptom similarity only because experiences of the pioneers shows the best palliative in the incurable conditions is the similimum remedy. Dr. J.T.Kent says “the physician who applies the single remedy in potentized form under the law of cure for any length of time will easily be convinced that there is no other way of palliation that holds out permanent hope for the patient.” H.A.Roberts says “the basis of cure is the fundamental law of similia. The law of similia is the fundamental law also in the palliation of incurable states”.

Recommendation of Antipathic (palliative) Means in Homeopathy According to the footnote to aphorism 67, Hahnemann allows the application of antipathic measures in the following conditions. The antipathic palliative measures like gentle electrical shocks, strong coffee and application of heat can be given to stimulate the irritability and sensitivity of the vital force.

  1. In the most urgent cases, where there is danger to life and no time for the homeopathic remedy to act.
  2. Sudden accidental cases resulting into the life threatening state of the patient, example: asphyxia, suspended animation from lightening, suffocation, freezing, drowning etc.
  3. In acute poisoning cases.

Merits of Palliation

  1. In life threatening conditions some initial relief is possible by palliation.

De-merits of Palliation

  1. Palliation is not a curative process, it is extremely faulty method. After initial relief the disease recurs again either in the same intensity or in the increased intensity.
  2. The condition of the patient becomes worse after the initial relief of symptoms. To relieve the patient progressively increasing doses of drugs will be needed repeatedly.
  3. Repeated use of palliative remedies in progressive doses might lead to production of artificial drug or iatrogenic diseases.
  4. Palliation is a one sided symptomatic treatment; only few troubling symptoms are covered to relieve the patient. Removal of the symptoms in total is only cure; hence palliation is extremely unscientific treatment.
  5. Prolonged palliative treatment will aggravate the symptom at every step of repetition of the remedy.

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