The disease is nothing but collection of different varieties of reactions produced by the vital force due to its derangement by noxious agents called miasms. These diseases can only be effectively controlled by administration of the dynamised homeopathic medicines. Experience of the ancient physicians and Hahnemann suggests that this is the only reliable method of cure. Hence, operation of cure consists of 3 points, which the physician has to investigate and apply. It is the combination of science and individual skill which we call art.

The 3 points necessary for cure are:

  1. The investigation of the disease (§ 72-104)
  2. The investigation of the effects of medicine on healthy human beings (§ 105-145)
  3. The judicious employment of the medicines (§ 146-291)
  1. The Investigation of Disease (§ 72-104) This is nothing but the skill of ascertaining the necessary information regarding the disease. The § 72-82 explain what is disease and the types of diseases. The diseases are classified into acute and chronic types. It also explains that the diseases are because of various reasons, like exciting cause, maintaining causes and the fundamental causes. Acute diseases are further caused by acute miasms and the chronic diseases are caused by chronic miasms. These aphorisms can be considered as the elaborated explanations of the 5th aphorism of the theoretical part. § 83-104 explains the case taking procedures and the guidelines to the physician, how to understand the patient as the suffering individual and how the case taking process in homeopathy is different from other systems of the medicine. The aim of the homeopathic case taking is to understand a patient as an individual who is suffering with the disease and not to make a futile attempt to understand the pathological basis of the disease. Treat the sick individuals and not the pathological names of the disease because, the pathological condition is result of the disease process that had already started as a result of the derangement of the vital force from the miasms.
  2. The Investigation of Effects of Drugs (§ 105-145) This is nothing but ascertaining the pathogenetic effects of the drugs on healthy humans. The homeopathic medicines are unique not only that they are proved on healthy individuals, but also that they are dynamised by the process of potentisation. Only those medicines which possess the power of producing similar sufferings in healthy individuals can cure the sick. § 105-145 explains the basic techniques of healthy human drug proving, like the preparation of drug for proving, selection of the prover for proving, his dietary regulations during proving and the process of recording the symptoms that have produced etc. Medicines are the instruments in the hands of the prover, only with powerful and effective medicines he can combat the diseases. This is the second point necessary for the cure.
  3. The Appropriate Method of Employing the Medicines on Diseases (§ 146-291) The theoretical part of Organon had made it clear that homeopathic method of employing the medicines is the only reliable and easily comprehendible method of curing the sick. Application of homeopathic principles in the day to day practice demands a specialized skill on the part of physician. § 146-291 explains the most judicious way of applying the law of similia. Arriving at the first similimum and the first prescription, the repetition of the doses, understanding the remedy reaction, second prescription, intelligent use of placebo and where to use it, advice of diet and regimen and the application of the therapeutic methods other than homeopathy etc have been beautifully portrayed. If the first two points for cure are science then the final and the third point for cure is pure art. Hence, the knowledge of disease, how to take the case in order to understand the disease, the knowledge of medicines, how to ascertain the pathogenetic effects of the medicine by human drug proving and the artistic employment of homeopathic medicines are the 3 points which an aspiring homeopath has to acquire, in order to achieve cure in rapid, gentle and permanent manner.

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