Vital force in disease

Vital force constantly fights with the disease producing powers at every
moment of the life. Either because of the prolonged exposure or due to the
stronger power of the miasms, vital force deranges. This deranged state of the
vital force brings forth lack of co-operation between the organs and systems of
the body. Thus, results a lack of harmony and disturbance of the normal
sensations and functions. These abnormal sensations and functions are called the
signs and symptoms. So, disease is nothing but the derangement of vital force
that is caused by dynamic sickness producing forces called miasms. Because the
miasmatic forces are more powerful than the vital force, vital force is unable to
safeguard the body any more and exhibits its inability in the form of symptoms.
Hence, symptoms are called the cries of vital force.

The mission of the physician is to identify the unique suffering of the vital
force based on these symptoms. This study of symptoms must always be done in
totality, that gives the total picture of suffering of the vital force. Health is a
condition maintained by a dynamic force called the vital force. So, this dynamic
vital force can only be deranged by a similar yet powerful dynamic force
(miasm) and not by any material substances.

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