ORGANON OF MEDICINE 4th YEAR PAPER (Saurastra University)


Questions YearLinks
Give Hahnemannian classification of dz. What is Hahnemann’s attitude towards nosological classification of Dz? Discuss detail about chronic Dz with few developed symptoms. May-22
Give management of chronic Dz as written down by Dr.hahnemann in organon of medicine.May-22, July-20
Define alternating and intermittent disease. Discuss in detail about intermittent Dz, its various types and its treatment. May-22
Define posology. Discuss in detail the posology. Describe the concept of selection administration and repetition of homoeopathic medicine with respect to selection of dose & potency in various type of the disease as per Hahnemannian classification of disease. May-22, April/May-19
What is remedy reaction? Discuss in detail about remedy reaction from Kent’s point of viewMay-22, July-20, April/May-19
Define symptom. Discuss in detail about analysis and evaluation of symptoms in details with its therapeutic utility in homoeopathic system with example.may-22, April/May-19, Nov/dec-18
Discuss in detail about constitution, temperament, and diathesis. Describe in detail its utility in homoeopathic system with exampleMay-22, July-20
Define susceptibility? Discuss susceptibility in detail and its aspect in dz. Production, drug proving & homoeopathic cureMay-22
Define Miasm. Describe evolution of psora in detail with its expression at each organ level.July-20
Discuss in detail therapeutic law of cure.July-20
Give management of epidemic disease & explain “GENUS EPIDEMICUS”July-20, April/May-16
Describe in detail the concept of prophylaxis in homoeopathy in acute & chronic dzApril/May-19, April/may15, april-14
Describe the concept of health, cure & dz. In homoeopathy.April/May-19, April/May-16
Describe the scope & limitation of homoeopathyApril/May-19, July-21 p2, April/May-15 p2 (s.n), april-14 p2 (s.n)
Describe genesis and manifestation of syphilis in detail.Nov/dec-18
Describe in detail general pathology of homoeopathy.Nov/dec-18, april-14
Discuss the unique features of homoeopathy case taking. What is qualities are required by homoeopath to complete the homoeopathic case taking successfully as per aphorism 81?Sep-17
Management of a case with chronic irreversible pathology is a challenge for a homoeopath. How will you proceed to manage such a case? How would you utilize current investigation facilities in such a case?Sep-17
Give a general outline on DIET AND REGIMEN to be advised in chronic cases.Sep-17
How will you proceed to treat a patient having very few symptoms? Explain the guideline for forming totality in such a case.Sep-17
Mention the interpretation of unfavorable observation of Dr. Kent. how will you use them for follow management?Sep-17
What is suppression? Write about difference types of suppressions in detail.April/May-16
What is palliation? Write about palliation in detail.April/May-16
Define posology. Write guidelines given by Dr. Stuart close for selection of potency.April/May-16
Write in detail about method of ascertaining the curative power of medicine.April/May-16
What is Miasm. Explain sycosis or syphilis in detail.April/May-16
Define Miasm. Explain genesis & manifestation of sycosis in detail.April/May-16
Secondary curative action.May 2022, July 2020.READ
Pseudo psora.May-22, April/May-2019 P2.READ
Clinical variety of acute dz.May-22
Syphilis Miasm.May-22READ
Exhaustive drug proving.May 22, July 21, March/April P2.
Precursor of organon of medicine.May-22, July-20
Partial similar medicine.May-22
Palliation & its utility.May-22, July-20, April/May-19, april-14READ
Idiosyncrasy.May-22, April/May-16, may-22 p2 , April/May-17 p2READ
Prophylaxis in homoeopathy.May-22
Unprejudiced observer.May-22, July-20 p2READ
Prima causa MorbiMay-22, July-20, sep-17, April/May-15 p2READ
Eliminating symptomsJuly-20READ
Three point necessary for cure.July-20READ
Aude Sapere.July-20READ
18th century medicine.April/May-19, April/May-15READ
Allopathy and homoeopathy.April/May-19
Susceptibility and vital reaction.April/May-19READ
Vital force in dz.July-20READ
Complex dz.July-20, April/May-15 p2READ
Importance of diagnosis in homoeopathy.July-20
Life and living environmentApril/May-19, nov/dec-18, April/May-15
Placebo April/May-19, April-14 p2.READ
Concept of man as a whole.April/May-19
Concept of drug relationships.April/May-19
Infinitesimal dose & its particular utility.Nov/dec-18
Schools of philosophy.Nov/dec-18, may-22 p2 , April/May-17 p2, April/May-16 p2
Susceptibility & its practical utility.Nov/dec-18, April/May-15, July-20 p2
Pre historic phase of medicine.Nov/dec-18
Negative general symptomsNov/dec-18, April/May-16, april-14 p2
Temperaments and its utility.Nov/dec-18, April/May-15, may-22 p2, April/May-19 p2, April/May-16 p2, april-14 p2READ
Totality of symptomsNov/dec-18, april-14, April/May-17
Phenomenological point of view.Nov/dec-18
Deflected currentNov/dec-18, July-20, April/May-17 p2, April/May-16 p2, april-14 p2READ
IndispositionNov/dec-18, April/May-19 p2, April/May-17 p2, april-14READ
Rational medicineSep-17READ
Threefold action of drugsSep-17, July-21 p2, march/april-18
Novum organonSep-17
Theoretic medicineSep-17, April/May-17 p2
Footnote to apho.67Sep-17
Telluric and meteoric causes of DzSep-17
Incurable dz.April/May-16, may-22
Hom. Specific remedyApril/May-16
Importance of drug relationshipApril/May-16
17th century medicineApril/May-16
CCHApril/May-15, april-14
RemedyApril/May-15, april-14
Girth Boericke evaluation of symptomsApril/May-15
Holistic concept.April/May-15
Local diseaseApril/May-15
Kent unfavorable observationApril/May-15, april-14
Management of acute dz.April-14
Topical applicationApril-14
Describe in detail the theory of chronic dz. And its evolution.May-22
“Psora is the mother of all Miasm,” justifyMay-22
Explain the development of sycosis & its clinical manifestation.May-22
Describe in detail the “prognosis after observing the remedy” according to J.T. KentMay-22
Describe pathology in Hom. According to Stuart closeMay-22
Describe in detail Hom. Therapeutics in the field of endocrinology according to H.A. Robert.May-22, July-21, march/april-18
Define logic. Describe diff. types of logic and utility of logic in homoeopathy.July-21, march/april-18
Describe the different approaches to Hom. Prescriptions.July-21, July-20, march/april-18
State coordinate between Kent’s concept of simple substance in relation to Hahnemannian concept of vital force.July-20, April/May-17
Explain sentence “man in disease”July-20, April/May-15
Justify that based on inductive logic.July-20, April/May-17
Justify well taken case is half curedJuly-20
State hering’s law of cure and give philosophical explanation of direction of cure.July-20
Define 2nd prescription. Explain its importance and its possibilities.April/May-19
“Psora or deficiency” according H.A. Robert.April/May-19
Describe examination of pt. according to Stuart close.April/May-19
What do you understand by deflected current as explained by Kent in Hom. Philosophy.April/May-19, April/May-17 p2(s.n)
Describe silent features of general pathology of homoeopathy according to Stuart close.April/May-19
Describe the chronic dz. Sycosis according to Kent.April/May-19
Justify the statement “homoeopathy is a rational system of medicine”April/May-17
Case taking in Hom. Differs than any other medical science how?April/May-17
Discuss in detail concept of dz. In homoeopathy in relation to environmental and constitutional factors.April/May-17
Write in detail about difficulties in case taking of chronic dz.April/May-16
Write in detail about Dr. Stuart close’s view on susceptibilityApril/May-16
What is general concept of pathology in homoeopathy.April/May-16
What do you mean by simple substance? Write down the role & nature of it.April/May-15, July-21(s.n), march/april-18
Write in detail about the history of homoeopathy in India from evolution the present time in addition to contribution of diff. stalwarts of Indian homoeopathy.April/May-15, April/May-19 (s.n), April/May-16 (s.n)
Write down the evalution of symptoms stated by
Write down step wise development of most ancient Miasm.April/May-14
Fig warts dz.May-22, July-21, march/april-18
Simple substanceMay-22, April/May-19
H.A. Robert view on syphilitic stigmaMay-22
Latent psoraMay-22
IndividualizationMay-22, July-20
Analysis of caseMay-22
Drug potentialJuly-21, April/May-19, march/april-18, April/May-17, April/May-16, april-14
AnamnesisJuly-21, march/april-18
Selection of potency.July-21, march/april-18
Complimentary medicineJuly-21, march/april-18
Three-legged stoolJuly-21, march/april-18
Unprejudiced observerJuly-20, April/May-17
Doctrine of signatureJuly-20, April/May-16
IMP of psychology in homoeopathyJuly-20
Homoeopathic therapeuticsJuly-20
Pathological general symptomsJuly-20
Indications of intercurrent remedy.July-20
LogicApril/May-19, April/May-16
Maupertuis principle and its relation to homoeopathy.April/May-19
Hypochondriac pt.April/May-19
2nd prescriptionMarch/april-18, July-21, April/May-15
Medical philosophy of Dr. HahnemannJuly-20, April/May-17
The sickApril/May-17
When symptoms take wrong directionApril/May-16
Law of simplexApril/May-16
Value of record keepingApril/May-16, April/May-15, april-14
When old symptoms reappear.April/May-16
Concomitant symptomsApril/May-15
Diet & regimenApril/May-15
Cardinal principleApril/May-15
Materialism & dynamizationApril/May-15
Fixed principleApril-14
decreased susceptibilityapril-14
physician’s missionapril-14

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