Secondary curative action

:This type of secondary action is noticed in the homeopathic method of
treatment. This action proves to be curative. When the homeopathic medicine is
administered, it produces primary action that is similar to the disease symptoms.
Hence the vital force accepts the primary action of the drug in the passive
manner. According to the nature’s law of cure, the similar stronger medicinal
disease removes the already existing weaker miasmatic disease. As a result, the
vital force now suffers only with the medicinal disease. Every action has an
equal and opposite reaction is the nature’s law. According to this law; to the
primary action of the drug (first action – sick making property), the vital force
produces opposite secondary action (secondary action – removing the sick
making property) that means restoration of health.

Examples of primary and secondary actions (§ 65)

  1. When a hand is kept for a long time in hot water, at first it will be much
    warmer than the other hand which is not kept in the hot water. This
    can be termed as the primary action of water on the hand. But soon,
    after the hand is removed from the hot water and allowed to dry, the
    hand that was kept in water becomes colder than the other hand. This
    reaction can be called the secondary action of human organism to the
    primary action of the warm water.
  2. A vigorous continued physical exercise for a long time makes a person
    warmer. This is the primary action of exercise on the person. But again
    after a short period, it produces chillness and shivering in the same
    person as the secondary action.
  3. Drinking wine makes a person feel warmer in its primary action. After
    a short span, the same person feels much colder than before the
    drinking wine. This is the secondary counter action to drinking wine.

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