Syphilis Miasm.


Syphilis is the venereal miasm, also called by Hahnemann as the chancre
disease. The syphilitic miasmatic state develops when the primary
manifestations of diseases like chancre and bubo are suppressed by some local
treatments. According to Hahnemann, this is “The second chronic miasma,
which is more widely spread than the fig warts disease (sycosis) and which for
three and a half (now four) centuries has been a source of any other chronic
ailments.” Syphilitic miasmatic state is the syndrome as observed by
Hahnemann when the acute sexually transmitted disease syphilis and its primary
manifestations like chancre and bubo are suppressed by some violent local
treatments. Hahnemann called the syphilis miasm as “the venereal disease

Mode of Development of the Syphilitic Miasm

Like any other miasm, the syphilitic miasm develops in 3 steps:

  1. Mode of infection
  2. Internal development
  3. External manifestations
    i. Primary manifestations
    ii. Secondary manifestations

  1. Mode of infection
    Impure coition, most probably at the very movement in the spot, which is
    touched and rubbed, the specific contagion arises. “To effect the infection, it
    requires a certain amount of friction in the most tender parts of the body (sexual
    organs), which are most rich in nerves and covered with thinnest cuticle.” The
    infection mostly occurs in genital organs especially at the wounded spot. Hence,
    syphilitic miasm is called the venereal miasm.
  2. Internal development
    As soon as the syphilitic miasm touches the spot infected, in the same
    moment it is no more local. The whole body has already received its presence
    immediately in a dynamic manner. “All wiping and washing off the spots
    affected, however speedy and with whatever fluid, is too late and in vain”.
    During first few days no morbid sign appears in the spot affected. Only after the
    internal venereal transmission is completed fully, the chancre appears in the
    place first affected. This is intended by the nature to soothe the internally
    completed malady.
  3. External manifestations
    i. Development of the primary manifestations of syphilis:
    The primary manifestation of syphilis is the chancre. The chancre appears
    after about 7th to 14th day of impure coition. At first as the little pustule, this
    changes into an impure ulcer, within raised boarders, and the characteristic
    stinging pains. In this stage, if syphilis is not cured internally, chancre remains
    standing on the same place during man’s lifetime, only increasing with years. As
    long as the chancre remains externally or locally, no secondary manifestations of
    syphilitic miasm develops.
    ii. Development of the secondary manifestations of syphilis:
    This is the development of syphilitic miasmatic state proper. When the
    primary manifestation of syphilis chancre appears, the allopathic physician tries
    to destroy them by means of corroding, cauterizing and desiccating substances.
    He does it by thinking it to be just a local ulcer. According to the old school’s
    writings, “No internal venereal disease is as yet to be thought of, so that when
    locally exterminating the chancre, they suppose that they remove all the venereal
    disease from the patient at once, if only he will not permit this ulcer to remain
    too long in its place, so that the absorbent vessels do not get time to transfer the
    position into the internal organism and so cause by delay a general infection of
    the system with syphilis. Hence, allopathic doctor destroys in his blindness,
    through local applications, the vicarious external symptoms (chancre ulcer) and
    he inexorably compels the organism to replace the destroyed first substitute
    chancre by far more painful substitute, the bubo”.

When the allopathic mismanagement destroys the chancre, nature tries to
soothe the internal disease by another local manifestation called “bubo”. As
usual routine, the allopath again tries to drive away the bubo by same type of
local injurious treatment; the nature is forced to develop internally and some
secondary internal ailments results. Hence results the chancre miasm. But the
development of secondary manifestations occurs very slowly.


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