Rational Medicine (§ 54 & its footnote)

Allopathy called itself the rational medicine for several centuries. In the
name of systemic medication allopaths have utilized many improper therapeutic
methods. In the name of research, allopaths have studied the human organism
from the materialistic point only and neglected the life force. They could not
imagine the fact of dynamic cause of disease and insisted that materia peccans is
the cause of disease. They believed and advocated that cure is possible only by
the removal of this materia peccans. With this ideal, they prescribed large doses
of crude medicines for centuries. These large doses of crude substances have
damaged the state of the human economy by producing artificial medicinal
disease and by suppressing the dangerous disease conditions. In the name of
hypothetical medicinal advancement, allopaths have employed harmful
procedures like setons, venesections, emetics, purgatives, plasters, fontanels and
cauterization. These painful procedures damaged the state of patient than the
disease itself.

Venesections: cutting or section of the vein for blood letting. Issue: a
discharge of pus, blood or other matter, acting as a counter-irritant, formerly it
was considered as a treatment to remove materia peccans. Seton: an artificial
surgical procedure to create issue, by passing an instrument into the
subcutaneous tissue.

Hahnemann says, a therapeutic system which employs such harmful
practices can never be considered as a rational system. A system which palliates
and suppresses the disease manifestations without doing any thing for its cure
cannot get the name of rational medicine. A scientific rational medicine has to
fulfill 3 criteria:

  1. It must be based on scientific inductive logic.
  2. It must be based on facts.
  3. It must be practically proven.

As we can see Homeopathy alone fulfill the above said criteria, this alone
can be called the rational medicine.

§ 55 & 56
The only reason why allopathy still exists is “Because of its instantaneous
palliative relief” (§55). With the free usage of palliative medicines allopaths are
misleading the patients for 17 centuries. This Galania antipathy (§ 56) which is
widely used today by the allopaths is not a curative method.

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