
  • Hahnemann advises to start a chronic case with the usage of placebo. It
    helps in identifying the patients who exaggerate their complaints
    (hypochondriacs), also helps in overcoming the previous prescriptions
    and also helps in accessing the patient’s susceptibility.
  • Kent says, “do not prescribe unless you find the remedy, instead
    prescribe placebo”. When in doubt, wait and watch is the best policy.
    “Placebo is the second best remedy”, the first being the indicated
  • In case of the homeopathic aggravation of mild varieties, that is the
    third observation of Kent, intelligent prescription of placebo will help
    in curing the case.
  • Indisposition is a condition which never requires a medicine. Intelligent
    advice on diet and regimen of the patient with the proper use of
    placebo always proves beneficial than the usage of medicines.

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