Category ORGANON

Aude Sapere

These Latin words appeared on the title page of the 2nd edition of Organonof medicine, the meaning of which is “Dare to be wise” or “Bold and sensible”.After observing the poisonous remarks made by the allopathic physicians on hissystem, Hahnemann…


The disease is nothing but collection of different varieties of reactions produced by the vital force due to its derangement by noxious agents called miasms. These diseases can only be effectively controlled by administration of the dynamised homeopathic medicines. Experience…

Eliminating symptoms

Eliminating symptoms are those symptoms which exclude all medicines thatare not needed for the patient and helps in individualizing the patient. TheKent’s general symptoms of high rank are usually considered as the eliminativesymptoms.The general modality, an uncommon, peculiar symptom, which…

PRIMA CAUSA MORBI (Footnote to § 6)

The meaning of the word “prima causa morbi” is “the primary cause of thedisease”. In the footnote to aphorism 6, Hahnemann says that the old school,without paying dew importance to the symptoms of the patient, considers thematerial causes as the…

IDIOSYNCRASY (§ 116-117)

IDIOSYNCRASY (§ 116-117) The word “idio” means “one’s own”, “syn” means “along with” and “crasy” means “constitution”. Idiosyncrasy is the person’s own peculiar personality. During drug proving, few symptoms of the drug are constantly produced by majority of the provers,…


Palliation can be defined as temporary relief of symptoms without doing anything for the cure. In palliation the most annoying symptoms are relieved, the disease persists in its own place. Palliation in Homeopathy Homeopathy is a curative medicine in the…

Syphilis Miasm.

SYPHILIS (§ 79) Syphilis is the venereal miasm, also called by Hahnemann as the chancredisease. The syphilitic miasmatic state develops when the primarymanifestations of diseases like chancre and bubo are suppressed by some localtreatments. According to Hahnemann, this is “The…

Oral cancer and its treatment with home remedies (मुंह केंसर दूर करने के घरेलू नुस्खे)

Topic:Oral cancer नमस्कार मित्रो, आज हम बात करने वाले हे एक कॉमन और गंभीर समस्या के बारे में और वो हे oral cancer. मुंह बॉडी को पोषण पहुंचना वाले द्वार की तरह काम करता है। भोजन को काटने-चबाने से लेकर…

White tongue को cure करने के 10 घरेलू नुस्खे

Topic: White tongue को cure करने के 10 घरेलू नुस्खे नमस्कार मित्रो, क्या आप जानते हैं कि जीभ शरीर की सबसे मजबूत Muscles में से एक है। यह वास्तव में हमारे sense of touch के लिए सबसे Sensitive स्थान है,…